Drupal planet
Phase2 Technology: Open Atrium 1.4 Security Release and Migration to Drupal
Drupal Association News: Marketing Communications growth at the DA!
We are pleased to introduce Marta Betts as the Marketing Communications Manager at the Drupal Association - our first-ever dedicated marketing resource.
Marta joined the Drupal Association as the lead of Marketing/Communications for DrupalCon Denver earlier this year, and is continuing with the Association to lead the efforts on Marketing/Communications for all Drupal Association activities. She will be focusing on raising awareness of the DA, as well as marketing the many programs and events that the DA managers. She is energized by the passion, excitement, and enthusiasm in our community.
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Acquia: Drupal t-skirt!
by Heather
It's the Drupal t-skirt! You have a pile of Drupal t-shirts, you can knit some Drupal socks (by Emma Jane Hogbin), and now you can complete your outfit with a skirt.
Lullabot: Module Monday: Field Label Plurals
It's the little details about a web site that make you smile when you're finished building it: the subtle CSS effects, the way it intelligently pre-populates forms for you, the great organization of a complex content model, and the just-so text copy that makes things feel "right." That's why little details can be annoying, too. Take, for example, the names of multi-value FieldAPI fields on a Drupal content type. You can label a field 'Photos,' for example, but what if an editor only enters one? Somewhere, a copyeditor is grinding their molars over that one, but a convenient little Drupal module can save the day: Field Label Plurals.
Setting up the module is, as one might expect, pretty straightforward: turn it on, then visit an existing FieldAPI field configuration screen. You'll see a new option just below the field's normal Label: a Single-Value label. Set up both labels to match the proper pluralization rules, and the module handles the rest.
Mediacurrent: Webinar: The Drupal Media Initiative
The Media Initiative is an unofficial but well-supported community initiative to improve Drupal's handling of images, video, audio, and other files and embedded media. This previously-recorded webinar discusses the inconsistencies and problems of handling media in Drupal, and the efforts to improve the authoring experience. Products of these efforts so far include the File Entity and Media modules in Drupal 7, which are demonstrated in this webinar. The Media Initiative is also trying to improve Drupal's default file and media handling by moving much of File Entity into Drupal 8 core.
Matt Farina: Speedy 1.0 Released
Minifying the JavaScript distributed to a browser is important for performance. The speedy module came into being in an effort to make this easy for Drupal sites to implement everywhere. Today the 1.0 release of the module comes out providing minified JavaScript for Drupal 7 core.
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Drupal 8 Initiatives: Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative meeting on May 8
We'll review current top priority tasks and discuss new ones to work on. Let's keep momentum on our active issues in property translation, config translation, gettext generalization, etc. We should keep going strong! There are still plenty of opportunities to help! Come to this meeting and ask for tasks. We can find tasks for all skill levels and interests!
The meeting is in the #drupal-i18n channel on IRC. See for more information. The time above is marked with UTC - check in your own timezone.
Drupal 8 Initiatives: Looking for sponsors for Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative sprint
Are you and your customers going to enjoy all the great new multilingual features in Drupal 8 that some great people are working to build? We are organizing a whole week of sprinting in Barcelona in mid-June, and all our attendees are volunteers! Getting people to travel and find accommodation on their own dime as well as work the whole week to build these great things for Drupal 8 is a tall order. To help the sprinters out with some food costs as well as get them focus even more on the sprint tasks by taking care of some catering, I'm trying to contribute a little to get the attendees more comfortable at the sprint.
The sponsors we have so far either provide the space or send people, but I've had a pretty hard time to get sponsors for feeding the troops.
bleen: Applying a Patch from Drupal in 2 Seconds or Less
I used to apply patches from Drupal by goeing to the issue page where the patch has been posted, downloading the patch to my desktop (or wherever) and then applying it using git apply /path/to/file.patch. Today I figured out a better way.
Open your favorite terminal application <cough>iterm2</cough> and cd to the git repository to which you want to apply the patch. Then type this: curl | git apply.
I feel like this is one of those tips that everyone else has known about forever and I'm just now having that aha! moment but in even if that's true, pretty nifty, huh?
Károly Négyesi: Calling all efq_views bugs
If you have ever tried EFQ Views and it didn't work you might've thought it does not worth filing an issue because it was abandoned. It is no longer. Please file an issue telling me how it didn't work. Thanks.
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Matt Butcher: QueryPath in Practice: Migrating ICANN to Drupal
The Four Kitchens blog is running a story on how they used QueryPath and the Migrate module to migrate over 10,000 pages of content, in many different languages, into Drupal. I love to hear stories about the creative ways developers use QueryPath to accomplish complex tasks. A huge thanks to Mark Theunissen for the detailed write-up.
In related news, the new QueryPath 3 engine is just about done, and will make monster imports like this much faster.
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There is a module for that!: Mediatheque, a Drupal media organizer
Over the years, I've accumulated a large collection of e-books and digital music albums. Information overload is not a philosophical view, it's a real problem that forces me to devote time, effort and money to maintain that collection.
That's probably why so many media organizers exist. Because I believe that all applications should be delivered from the Web, and because no ready-made Web media organizer struck me as fulfilling my needs, I started to write my own using Drupal 6, dubbed Mediatheque.
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larsolesen.dk: Using ctools plugins to create different pdf layouts
At Vejle Idrætshøjskole we invite the community to participate in our some of our lectures. Of course we list the lectures on our lecture webpage. The list is easily created using a custom content type and some views.
However, I also wanted to make a version which prints nicely. A pdf is still the best tool to make a layout you can depend on. So I created a layout for my lectures using TCPDF. After a while I grew tired of the layout, and created a new layout still using TCPDF. But in doing so I was thinking: maybe other people could use my layouts, or maybe one day, I will like the old layout again. Therefore I decided that the content administrator should be able to choose between the different layouts I have created.
Enter ctools plugins systemI tried creating the layout utilizing the ctools plugin system. First I needed to make my module aware of the plugins:
/** * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type(). * * Has plenty options. See ctools/help/plugins-creating.html */ function vih_lectures_pdf_ctools_plugin_type() { $plugins['layouts'] = array( 'use hooks' => TRUE, ); return $plugins; } /** * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory(). */ function vih_lectures_pdf_ctools_plugin_directory($owner, $plugin) { if (($owner == 'vih_lectures_pdf') && ($plugin == 'layouts')) { return 'plugins/' . $plugin; } }Now, the system knows, that I am utilizing the ctools plugin system. Then I put my different layouts into different folders using the same naming convention, so I could use it in my module function. The function can both output one single lecture (a custom content type), but also a collection of lectures (created by an entity reference field on another custom content type).
function vih_lectures_pdf_booklet($lecture) { require_once libraries_get_path('tcpdf') . '/tcpdf.php'; global $base_url; $events = array(); $layout = variable_get('vih_lectures_pdf_layout', 'portrait'); ctools_include('Layout', 'vih_lectures_pdf', 'plugins/layouts/' . $layout); $class = 'VIH_Lectures_Pdf_' . ucfirst($layout); if ($lecture->type == 'vih_lectures') { foreach ($lecture->field_lectures['und'] as $key => $value) { $node = node_load($value['target_id']); if ($node) { $events[] = $node; } } } else { $events[] = $lecture; } $pdf = new $class($events); $pdf->setBaseUrl($base_url); $pdf->setHeading($lecture->title); $pdf->setAuthor(variable_get('site_name', "Vejle Idrætshøjskole")); if ($logo = file_load(variable_get('vih_lectures_pdf_logo', ''))) { $pdf->setLogo(drupal_realpath($logo->uri)); } if ($lecture->type == 'vih_lectures') { $pdf->setSubTitle($lecture->field_subtitle['und'][0]['safe_value']); $pdf->setDescription($lecture->body['da'][0]['safe_value']); $file = drupal_realpath($lecture->field_picture['da'][0]['uri']); $pdf->addFrontpage($file); $pdf->addSecondPage($file); } $pdf->render(); drupal_exit(); }
You can basically see the rest in the module file, which is the glue in the system. There I also created a simple settings pages (which could be hugely improved to look like e.g. the apperance page, so one could see the screenshot of the layout).
You can see the entire source code for my PDFs for the lectures at github.
How do you create your different layouts when using pdf's without overriding your previous layout on each iteration?
SK+ Drupallets: Drupal Modules: The What, When, Where, Why, and especially How
Versions of this talk has been presented at:
- Drupal Camp @ Stanford
- 12 Nov Stanford Tech Briefing
- BADCamp (video available)
Drupal is designed to be modular. Instead of always having every possible tool or feature in every site's code, you can just have those you're actually going to use.
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larsolesen.dk: Making Media Gallery work with Media 2.x
I am constantly trying to make it easier to be an editor at Vejle Idrætshøjskole site. Now the time has come to make it easier to create photo galleries. Earlier I uploaded the photo galleries to Picasa Web and created a custom input filter, which could embed the photo galleries as a slideshow into the page and used PWI to embed a photo gallery.
However, when watching the editors doing that, I just knew that I had to change the approach.
Enter media galleryI had my eye out for media gallery for quite some time, but was reluctant to use it seeing the issue queue. However, watching screencasts I decided I would go for it anyways. Maybe I could help solve some of the issues.
My first problem was that I use the Media 2.x-branch, and media gallery only works for the 1.x-branch at the moment. Luckily, I was not the only one needing media gallery to work with 2.x. I started creating some patches which made it possible to have media gallery installed, but it was still not possible to add images to the galleries.
So this is where open source is great. leschekfm took my patches and made it possible to add files to the media gallery.
How to make media gallery work for the media 2.x branchMedia gallery still does not have a 2.x-branch. But to have media gallery work anyways, I did the following:
$ git clone --recursive --branch 7.x-1.x $ cd media_gallery $ git applyI only needed one patch, because leschekfm put my three patches into his, which makes testing a lot easier.
I also needed to install the required multiform module.
$ drush dl multiform $ drush en multiformThen for ease of upload, I installed plupload to make it easier to upload all the files at once.
$ drush dl plupload $ drush en plupload $ cd sites/all/libraries/ $ unzip plupload_1_5_4.zipSo that is basically all there is to having media gallery work with media 2.x-branch.
Now we are just hoping for the developers of media gallery, that they will open up the 2.x-branch of media gallery, so the community can start helping out.
Drupal Association News: Announcing Tatiana (tvn) as Drupal Project Coordinator
We're excited to welcome Tatiana (tvn) as the Association's first Drupal project coordinator. Keeping inline with our objective to make Drupal an amazing place for developers, site builders and contributors to collaborate we have begun to make investments to support the community.
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Droplabs: Building an AJAX-driven Application with Drupal
Downtown LA Drupal member Chris Paul (@cpjeeves) presents on a complex web application he built that has a desktop feel. Using AJAX, CKEditor and a host of other modules, his web application has an application-like experiance for the user and a nearly seamless content creation process. By leveraging the power of ctools command style AJAX, AJAX submit handlers, and a few custom upgrades, users are able to create content, view that content in relative lists, and then even edit and refresh those lists to suit their needs.
This kind of in-place create-and-edit system promotes a more intuitive creation process that doesn't break your train of thought while you rapidly input and modify your content. Drupal has always been capable of pushing the envelope. Join us as Chris shows us how he did it for this client project.
This video was recorded at the Downtown LA Drupal Meetup at Droplabs on March 20:
Video:Comments: Tags:
Alan Palazzolo: Drupal Mapping Office Hours
The first ever Drupal Mapping office hours will be held Thursday, May 10th at 1PM EST in the #drupal-geo IRC channel (if you don't know about IRC, check out the Drupal IRC docs). Brandonian has spearheaded this effort, and will be joined by myself, phayes, and other great community members working in the Drupal geospatial sector. Besides offering general help with mapping, handling geospatial data, and related topics in Drupal, we will be discussing the following:
- Organizing a documentation sprint around an upcoming Drupal event TBD.
- Meta discussion about office hours in general/planning for next meeting.
- The state of geospatial in Drupal, specifically for a presentation I am giving at the Twin Cities Drupal Camp and possible at DrupalCon Munich.
- Event on Groups.Drupal
Four Kitchens: Migrating old HTML files into Drupal
The Internet in the 90’s - a much simpler place.
We’ve done several migrations for clients who need their old, legacy content imported into Drupal from a collection of static HTML files. In this post I’ll outline the procedure we use to migrate, and provide some solutions to common problems related to encoding, line endings and parsing HTML with QueryPath. Code snippets are provided inline, and complete source code is provided as a Github gist.
1. Setup a Migration sourceLet’s work with a hypothetical example site, which has the following directory listing:
$ ls /mnt/html about.html news.html h1001.html h1002.html ... h1133.html h1133.html contact.htmlThe migration we’ll setup will specifically target the hxxxx.html files, as it’s a pretty common requirement to migrate hundreds or thousands of semi-structured files like this.
The main workhorse is the extremely well-architected Migrate module. If you haven’t yet discovered the wonders of it’s elegant abstraction and flexibility, my suggestion is to watch the presentations on the project page to gain a firm understanding of how it works. I won’t go into the basics here, as I’m going to cover only tips related to importing static HTML.
To use the Migrate module, you need to start with defining your migration. This is done by extending the Migration base class, and providing a constructor that injects the required dependancies into the object. The dependencies are a migration source, a destination, field mappings, etc. The migration source is what we’re interested in right now.
To assemble the source object we’ll need to create two things, the first is a MigrateListFiles, which is an object that provides a list of filenames. These filenames are used as ids in the Migrate module. You just need to create the MigrateListFiles with some parameters that direct it to the files you want:
$regex = '/h[0-9]+.html/'; $list_files = new MigrateListFiles(array('/mnt/html'), '/mnt/html', $regex);
The first parameter is an array of directories. In our case, we only have one, but there could be multiple different source directories. Next is the base dir, which is the part of the directory structure that you’d like explicitly excluded when ids are created. Finally, the regular expression that is used to filter the files in the directory down to just the ones we care about. In our case, we filter looking for any .html that starts with the letter ‘h’ and some digits. This means we won’t be migrating the individual about.html, contact.html, etc. pages.
We then create an object that provides a method of turning an id (filename) into a migrate-able chunk of data, which in this case means doing a file_get_contents() and returning the file contents to you:
$item_file = new MigrateItemFile('/mnt/html');
We then create an array which explicitly states the fields we’re going to be providing, and finally create the actual migration source, passing it the two objects from above:
$fields = array('title' => t('Title'), 'body' => t('Body')); $this->source = new MigrateSourceList($list_files, $item_file, $fields);
To re-iterate, the MigrateSource is going to be a MigrateSourceList, which is a basic source that provides the ability to iterate over a MigrateListFiles and get data from a MigrateItemFile.
If having all these objects seems unnecessarily complex, remember that the Migrate module is extremely flexible - there’s a lot of code reuse going on here, so the tradeoff is worth it.
The rest of the source setup is beyond the scope of this article, and the Github gist contains a full example.
2. Fixing HTML file encodingsOld static sites typically get modified over the years by multiple people using many different platforms and editors, which results in a line ending and character encoding disaster. Any broken characters normally don’t show in the browser, even when the web server headers and HTML <head> tags suggest an encoding that conflicts with the actual encoding. This is because browsers are really, really good at sorting out the mess, which is something that they probably should not be doing - developers should be correcting problems in the source. But anyway.
The first step then, would be to use a good text editor to browse through a handful of files one by one, checking them for inconsistency. You may find several are detected as ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) but are actually Windows 1252 and thus your files contain broken characters where there should be angled quotes and other Windows niceties. Assuming this is the case, you can use a snippet like this to convert the file contents to UTF-8 before doing anything else with it:
$enc = mb_detect_encoding($html, 'UTF-8', TRUE); if (!$enc) { $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'UTF-8', 'WINDOWS-1252'); }
It’s pretty simple - if the encoding is not UTF-8 (which is very reliably detected by PHP, unlike WINDOWS-1252), then assume it’s WINDOWS-1252 and convert. If some of your content is in ISO-8859-1 this shouldn’t cause a problem since WINDOWS-1252 is a superset of ISO-8859-1.
Modify the above snippet according to the encodings you find in your source data.
3. Fixing line endingsThere’s Unix, Windows, Classic Mac… and I’ve even discovered a crazy hybrid CRCRLF which I assume was created by a buggy editor. Best to convert everything to Unix (LF). Depending on your source, one way to do that is to simply blast the CR characters away:
$html = str_replace(chr(13), '', $html);
It’s worth noting that getting rid of the CR characters is a necessary step if you want to use QueryPath, as described below.
4. Fixing code point HTML entitiesThe correct entities to use in HTML for symbols are the “named” entities - for example the ™ sign should be ™. However, browsers also accept for ™, which is a reference to a code point in the extended ASCII table. This would be fine, except in the case that the document is UTF-8, because is not a valid unicode code point. The browser just cheats and assumes you mean the ASCII code point for ™, even though the correct code point in UTF-8 for ™ is ™. PHP isn’t so lenient, and will reject invalid values. Try it yourself:
print html_entity_decode('™', ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8'); ™ print html_entity_decode('', ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8'); // Nothing! print html_entity_decode('™', ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8'); ™
So, if your source content has HTML entity code points in the extended ASCII range 127-159, you’re going to have to manually substitute them for named entities before trying to parse them in QueryPath, as QueryPath uses PHP’s default encoding functions, and thus will fail to generate the characters you want.
Luckily, this isn’t too hard:
function convertEntities($html) { $entities = array( '' => '–', '' => '—', '' => '˜', '' => '™', // ... get them all! ); $html = str_replace(array_keys($entities), array_values($entities), $html); return $html; }
Here is the full list of ASCII characters.
5. Parsing HTML with QueryPathYou’re probably going to want to process and transform the source in some way, and for that, QueryPath is an excellent choice. It uses PHP’s native DOM handling abilities to load HTML and execute jQuery-like chainable commands. In fact, it provides most of the jQuery functions for your usage in PHP.
Getting the HTML into a QueryPath object can be tricky. Depending on how the source HTML is setup, each individual file may have a complete page with headers and footers, or it could include the sidebar and other components using Apache’s Server-Side Includes (SSI) and just contain the main content area (a saner approach).
In the case where you just have the body content in each file, you’ll need to pad it with the complete structure before loading it into QueryPath. To do that, use a function like this:
function wrapHTML($body) { // We add surrounding <html> and <head> tags. $html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">'; $html .= '<html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body>'; $html .= $body; $html .= '</body></html>'; return $html; }
I found that I always have to add this surrounding HTML in exactly this way in order for QueryPath to correctly use UTF-8. We can now create our QueryPath object, combining all the above tips in the correct order:
$html = str_replace(chr(13), '', $html); $enc = mb_detect_encoding($html, 'UTF-8', TRUE); if (!$enc) { $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'UTF-8', 'WINDOWS-1252'); } $html = wrapHTML($html); $html = convertEntities($html); $qp_options = array( 'convert_to_encoding' => 'utf-8', 'convert_from_encoding' => 'utf-8', 'strip_low_ascii' => FALSE, ); $qp = htmlqp($html, NULL, $qp_options);
You can now perform your transformations on the $qp object. For example, you may want to process all anchors, so that you can change the ‘href’ on internal links to point at a new path:
// For all anchor links. $anchors = $qp->top('a'); foreach($anchors as $a) { $href = trim($a->attr('href')); $href = getNewHref($href); // Set the new href. $a->attr('href', $href); }
What about stripping out all those pesky Dreamweaver HTML comments? Easy:
foreach ($this->qp->top()->xpath('//comment()')->get() as $comment) { $comment->parentNode->removeChild($comment); }
To get your body content out again, use the innerHTML function:
$body = $qp->top('body')->innerHTML();
ConclusionThese are some fairly tough problems to diagnose the first time you run into them, especially when dealing with a large body of content, so I hope this post helps you to get your clients safely into a Unicode-based Drupal world.
NodeOne: Features Pipexplosion - a great addition
Sometimes when I export permissions for a user, a need to add the permissions manually, but with Features Pipexplosion I just need to choose the role, and all the permissions and the dependencies of those permissions is added to my Feature. This make my work much easier.
Features Pipexplosion has been out since january, but when I downloaded it, onkly eight other people had done so, if the statistics are correct.
Another great addition to Features is a patch that speeds up the drush fra, sometimes we do often (if you do not use drush and develop Drupal, you should really learn how to use drush, it makes everything easier). The patch makes drush do the revert on the Features that are overridden, not all the Features.
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